Without going to Kalinchok, there is no dispute

The District Forest Office, Dolakha has cut off the letter saying that there was encroachment on protected forest in Kalibok of Dolakha. The construction of the cables was started at Kalinchok, a famous religious and tourist destination of Dolakha.
District Forest Office, District Forest Officer of Dola, Bishnu Prasad Bhandari said that the locals have written a letter to the District Administration Office, District Police Office Dolakha, asking them not to encroach the forest and take action against those who have encroached on the forest.
The dispute started at the local level as soon as Dodger started work for the construction of a road from Kaliboch to Kuribazar to Kibulkar station. The Kalinchok Darshan Prakali has demanded that the work be carried out only when the locals receive the services and services provided by the locals while they are working on the road construction.
The Guthi Committee, chaired by the Chief District Officer, also demanded to send Kalinchowk Darshan Pali all the details, expressing dissatisfaction with the details of the project.
The meeting of the Guthi Committee was held on Thursday to discuss all the necessary documents regarding the construction of the cable car in Kalinchok. Accordingly, Chief District Officer Pushpraj Shahi, who is also the chairman of the Guthi committee, said that a detailed feasibility study, environmental impact assessment, sharing of services and services to the locals was demanded for the document for the construction of Kalinchok cable car.
Road construction work for the construction of the cables has been stopped for a few days, despite protests by the locals and demanding details by the Guthi Committee. However, Balakrishna Siwakoti, managing director of the Kalinchok Philosophy Practitioner, claimed that there was no obstruction in the construction of the cable car. Stating that he had obtained permission from the government, local bodies and the Guthi Institute, he said he did not know where the committee was.
The construction of the cable car is about to be completed in the coming one year at Kalinchok, the religious and tourist destination of Dolakha. Road maintenance and the opening of a new track had started just a few days ago. The cables, which will be constructed at a cost of Rs. 10 million, will have two bins with the capacity to hold up to 5 people. It is said that 1,800 people will get service while the cable car is operated for eight hours daily.
The cables needed for the cable car have been manufactured in Switzerland. After 5 km of raw road journey from Charikot, the headquarters can reach Kuribazar. To reach the temple of Bhagwati at a height of 2.5 meters from Kuribazar, the basecamp of Kalinchok is one hour.
But if a cable builder can be reached within 5 minutes from Kuribazar, the temple can be reached. Kalinchok Darshan Pralay has also planned to open a convenient resort in Kuribazar along with Kubulkar. The cost of constructing both the cable carriers and the resort is estimated to be around Rs.
Kalinchok is the major religious and tourist destination of Dolakha. Religious and natural tourists have come to visit Kalinchok, where snow is frequent in winter. The number of tourists visiting the area has increased significantly in recent years. The number of domestic and external tourists is expected to increase after the construction of the cable car.
Some locals of Dolakha have said that the concept of Kibulkar is intended to prevent tourists from staying in Dolakha and spoil the picturesque scenery. Locals also accuse Nepali Congress President Rudra Khadka of Dolakha, including Managing Director Sivakoti, for trying to erase the beauty of Kalinchok in the name of business.