Why wrinkled skin at an early age?
Often less important but very sensitive organ is the skin. As it is associated with the beauty of the human body, scientific methods should be adopted in its care.
– The skin is the largest gland in the body, made up of more than 90 percent collagen protein, which is classified into two parts, dermis and epidermis.
– With age, it is natural to have chauripana on the skin. However, even at a young age, various health problems are associated with the appearance of this problem.
– Basically the lack of water and nutrients (vitamins A, C and protein) in the body, mental stress, excessive smoking, fluctuations in thyroid hormones are responsible for this.
– So changing the lifestyle is the only way to solve the problem.
– For healthy skin, fruits, carrots, lemons, amla, cucumber, melon and other vitamins A and C and minerals are suitable.
– Protein foods like nuts and fish are also indispensable for the skin.
– Maximum use of moisturizer is required to solve the problem of dry skin. It is also suitable to use oil base moisturizer.
– For smooth skin, you should use a moisturizer that dries quickly.
– Steroid-mixed creams available in the market are causing serious skin problems.
– Such creams change the true appearance of the skin. Such creams are a cause of skin thinning, wrinkling and nausea.
– Let’s choose a cream that suits your skin. Otherwise, there is no choice but to repent.
– There are plenty of natural ways to protect the skin from chauripana.
– Soak a piece of green cucumber in lemon water overnight and put it on the face for half an hour once a year to prevent skin chauri.
– The ripe (yellow) cucumbers are cut into one-inch pieces and soaked in a light liquid solution of lemon, chiuri ghee and gram flour for 6 hours and kept twice a week for 45-60 minutes.