What is the cause of pain in the lower back when you wake up in the morning?

Bone density usually decreases with old age. Because of this, the bones become weak and there is a possibility of back and waist pain. But nowadays, the number of people coming to the hospital with back pain is increasing.

It is normal to have back pain after a lot of work or exercise. But in some cases, there may be pain in the back when you wake up in the morning after a full night’s sleep. If you experience more pain in your back when you wake up every day, it may be due to some problem.

What causes back pain when you wake up in the morning?

Back and hip pain in the morning can have simple to complex causes.

Common cause

Insomnia: People who sleep in the same posture and on their backs are more likely to have back pain when they wake up in the morning. Because sleeping like this puts more weight on the waist and spine. That’s why it can hurt when you wake up in the morning.

The problem of stings: Another reason for the problem of back pain is what kind of stings are being used. It depends on that. If you sleep on a mattress that is too hard, too flexible and too old, it can cause back pain in the morning. Always sleeping in such postures will disturb the balance of posture of the back and hips. That’s why you may experience back pain when you wake up in the morning.

Pregnant women: Due to the change of hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, the body is softer than other times. On top of that, the increase in the size of the stomach, if the roundness of the stomach is not in harmony, it affects the back and spine and can cause back pain. Physical activity also decreases during this time. Because of this, when you wake up in the morning, your back may ache.

Sleep problems: The body needs rest. Sleep is necessary for that. If there is a problem of not sleeping well, waking up occasionally and not sleeping at all, then the body does not get complete rest. As a result, when you wake up in the morning, not only the waist but the whole body may be aching.

Due to health problems

Musculoskeletal problems: Many of us may have back and hip pain due to bone problems. But that is definitely not the case. Muscle problems can also cause back pain. Such pain is called ‘fibromyalgia myofascial pain syndrome’.

Muscles should be flexible. If the muscles become stiff or weak, back pain may occur while sleeping and when waking up in the morning.

Similarly, sitting in one place for a long time, sitting and working in the office for hours, riding a bike scooter, and those who don’t do physical exercise at all can cause muscle stiffness. Because of this, you may experience back pain when you wake up in the morning.

Even if you have used your waist a lot the previous day or done a lot of exercise, it can cause pain due to weight on your waist. For example, standing all day long or traveling for a long time, doing too much laundry or working in the fields while bending over can cause back pain when waking up in the morning. But if only one day’s work has an effect, the pain will disappear after a few days.

Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Spinal Cord: Especially spinal arthritis (spinal arthritis, sacroilitis) can also cause back pain in the morning. In this case, the part of the spine becomes swollen. The lower part of the body may ache when sleeping in the same manner all night long, as the effect is also on the waist.

Vitamin D deficiency: Vitamin D plays a role in bone development. Vitamin D keeps the bones strong. Deficiency of it in the body can cause osteomalacia. Osteomalacia is a weakening of the bones. If you have this problem, you may experience back pain when you wake up in the morning.

Similarly, due to lack of calcium in the body, back and waist pain may be a problem after waking up in the morning.

Who hurts more in women and men?

This problem is seen more in women than in men. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 38.5 percent of men and 55.5 percent of women have back pain.

What can be done?

– Normal exercise can be done in bed.

– Even if the sleeping position is not correct, because the back can hurt, change the sleeping position, do not sleep on your back, put a pillow between two knees when you sleep on your back, and when you sleep on your back, you can bend your knees and put a pillow under your knees.

– Don’t use too hard or too flexible and too old dosna.

– When you have back pain, you can use a hot-bag.

– You exercise regularly.

– Vitamin D should be checked.

If the above-mentioned measures do not work well or if the pain persists for more than a month, you should consult an orthopedic and neurologist. Because long-term pain in the back may cause the bones to wear down. Therefore, treatment should be done quickly.

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