What effect does yoga have on the body?

Modern medicine is now developing new discoveries and methods. They have become an amazing tool for healing. State-of-the-art hospitals have been built. Millions of health workers are being produced every day around the world. Should the human community consider it an achievement or a tragedy?
Why is there so much need for medical systems, equipment, hospitals, manpower today? The answer is, people are getting sick. The number of patients is increasing rapidly. He is suffering from many diseases. Now the basic question is, is it an achievement to be treated as a patient or a disease-free life?
Our ancestors considered the second option the best. Therefore, he sought to live a disease-free life rather than go to the hospital for treatment. That was the result, yoga.It is better to prevent the disease than to seek medical treatment. So yoga is a method, which is helpful for a disease free life.
Yoga keeps the body organized and functioning properly. It makes the body parts strong and agile. The functioning of the internal organs is correct and agile. Makes not only the physical body, but also the mind calm and excited. That is why diseases of any kind cannot affect the body.
Healthy body yoga has a direct effect on our body and health. We have experienced some physical changes since we started yoga. There are many asanas of yoga. According to the posture, the effects on the body parts are also different. However, some postures affect the whole body. Such as sun salutation. This is also called whole exercise. Although it is not possible to practice all types of yoga, some asanas can be done regularly.
While the mind is always doing happy yoga or after starting yoga, we can directly experience that there is no sadness or restlessness in the mind. The mind is healed. Is happy
Disappears Mental illness relieves mental stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Removes inner disorder. Eliminates disorders like jealousy, lust, anger, etc. and develops love, compassion and positive thinking.
Increases efficiency Regular yoga improves mental and physical health. It also increases our work capacity. The energy stays inside us for a long time.
The effect of personality yoga is also reflected in our personality. Regular yoga improves mental and physical health and has an effect on our personality. The negative feelings inside the mind disappear. Anxiety, anxiety disappears. The body is strong and energetic.
After deep sleep pranayama, oxygen is well circulated throughout the body. It destroys unnecessary and harmful substances. Eliminates the disorder. This is why deep sleep occurs. Pranayama and meditation make the brain active and powerful.