The dominance of Google Chrome in web browsers, a sharp clash between Firefox and Edge

Internet search giant Google’s web browser Google Chrome has maintained its dominance in the Internet browser market. According to a recent report by Computer World, Google Chrome has a 68.26 percent share in the desktop web browser.
Other web browsers lag far behind Chrome. Firefox, the second largest browser, has a share of 77.2 percent. Microsoft’s Edge is in third place with 6.67 percent of users choosing the Internet browser market.
According to the report, Chrome has not lost its first place in the browser market since 2008 and in recent times other browsers have not been able to reach its side.
Before 2008, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer was the most popular web browser. Despite the strong presence of Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer had a market share of up to 70 percent at the time.
According to the latest report, Google Chrome is also in the first place in the smartphone browser. Chrome accounted for 64.8 percent of the mobile browser, followed by Apple’s Safari browser with a market share of 26.71 percent.
Chrome’s popularity among tablet users has waned. According to statistics, Chrome has only 48.59 percent market share in tablet web browsers. Apple’s Safari browser accounted for 41.17 percent.
Google recently released Google 83rd Edition. In addition to various other new features, there is also a group tab feature. This feature allows users to rename, color, and move tabs in the tab bar.
Chrome has also added Safe Browsing Mode and Safety Check Tool in the new update. Google says it is constantly taking steps to protect users’ data and privacy in the Chrome browser. Agency