Teaching Computer Language Coding to Kathmandu Metropolitan Students

Kathmandu Metropolitan City has started teaching computer language coding in 14 schools. In view of the growing use of information and technology and the need for efficiency, the metropolis has formed a code club and started teaching computers.

With the aim of promoting digital education in every school, Sitaram Koirala, Education Officer of the Metropolitan Education Department informed that in collaboration with Digital and Beyond, students from classes 4 to 9 have been taught coding. He said that this program will be implemented in all the schools of the metropolis this year.

He said, “It is not possible to do it in all schools at once, so we will teach in 14 schools until June, and then we will teach in all schools.” In addition, he said that Google Workspace will also be implemented in all schools.

To enable students and teachers in digital education, the Metropolitan Municipality has formed a code club in every school in collaboration with Digital and Beyond. The Metropolitan Corporation claims that it plays an important role in building students’ skills, learning quality and critical thinking.

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