Questions raised by the samragyee and namrata.

Actress Namrata Sapkota remarked that there is ‘nepotism’ in Nepali cinema and here the father becomes the son’s hero by investing money. This word of humility was not only discussed but also debated in the film industry. There are many who say that familyism is not in the film industry. But the idea that we should talk about the distortions within the film industry is slowly growing in the artists.
The heroine, samragyee Rajyalakshmi Shah, said that she was harassed. The empress has tried to explain how to work in the film industry and how to treat an artist.
The samragyee, while expressing her grief over the film team, also clarified how work is being done in this field.
The samragyee had said that she would not make up to two films a year as she had done before and would make very few films. Probably, the Empress took this step because of the similar distortions seen in the film industry.
After the samragyee and humility, other artists have also started talking about their experiences
However, there are problems within the film industry. Problems with the producer’s artist, problems with the artist’s director, halwala and the producer’s constant problem, etc.
After the shutdown, the film industry is now in a state of flux. In this case, everyone has to think about these problems seen in the film industry.