Prakriti Pooja Toss to experience heaven and hell alive

Prakriti Pooja, There are different beliefs about heaven and hell. We imagine that a person who practices religion as soon as it is called heaven, after death reaches Devlok and is sitting next to the deity in joy, and Yamaraj, who is terrible as called hell, puts it in the oil of the karahi and boils it.
We believe that heaven is beautiful, fragrant and immortal, while hell is barren, desolate, ugly and terrible. That is why heaven is called Devloka where pious souls and righteous people go to enjoy happiness after death, while sinners or evildoers are punished after death is called hell.
This is just something that has been said and heard for centuries. No one has reached there and shared their experience. But today, I am discussing the culture embraced by the Kulung tribe, which belongs to the Kirat civilization, while enjoying life. A nature worship performed by the Kulung caste is called Tos. That same Tosha makes you feel something about heaven and hell.
Tos Kulung is a land worship. This is done three times a year. The names of all the three Toss which are held in May, August and February are different. The Tos performed in May is called Yanam Tos, the Tos performed in October is called Tho Tos and the Tos performed in February is called Jee Tos. Ji Tos is also known as Yau Tos. Among these tos, the land is worshiped so that there will be no famine and no drought.
On the other hand, Tos, performed in May and October, closes and opens the rites. The Tos performed in the last week of May closes the rites, while the Tos performed in October opens the rites. Therefore, June, July and August are known as the time of ban within the Kulung caste.
Yanam Tos and Hell
‘Yanam Kuhpi Siyav’ means ‘Die in Barkha Yam’. If someone commits violence or crime, they are cursed to die between Jeth and Asoj.
The last week of May is the Tos. There are two types of death rites within the Kulung caste. Funerals for those who die prematurely and those who die prematurely are different. But even when death occurs over time, there are two types of cremation. This means that it has an effect. Or there is a mentality that those who died after Jeth Tosa are not religious. That is why it is cursed as ‘Yanam Kuhpi Siyav’. During the cremation of the deceased, which takes place after the Tos of May, they are buried in the usual way. Silum, which is performed as a last rite, is not performed. It is customary to do it till the square.
Similarly, marriage is not performed during this period. If there is a situation where a marriage has to happen, the bride is brought in by changing the usual signs. When the Tos of Asoj falls, the wedding is done with pomp and ceremony. Not only that, but during the rainy season, the Kulung caste also has to harvest food. Kinima, Soybean, Pindalu and Karkalo cannot be eaten. Don’t play drums, flutes, harps and conch shells. Do not dig kachur. As for what happens, if someone dies prematurely, one should be worried. Kachur is mandatory in this concern. But ginger is used instead of kachur in the compulsive worry that is kept like that in dry season.
Not only that! Other things are also prohibited. For example, it is prohibited to carry marcha, domestic animals, mud and kachur during the dry season. In this way, there is no freedom in Kulung caste after Jeth Tosa. This is a restriction created by the culture itself. It still persists.
Tho Tos and Heaven
The end of the barkhabar ban will be opened in the first week of October. When October comes, there is a kind of joy in the villages. The discussion will start from the last week of August. Tosa is done in the first week of October. Because the time of hell is cut as short as possible. The said Tosa is called Tho Tosa.
Those who die after Tho Tos are called ‘Dharmarthi’ i.e. religious people. After the funeral, meat and rice are delivered to the grave every morning and evening. 8 ‘Sang’ i.e. flags are hung in the grave in the name of daughters of four generations. For at least 15 days after burying the dead body, food should be brought to the grave every morning and evening. Silum is done after 15 days. In Silum, all the malami are cleaned and Sang is cut, and the heads of all girls named Sang are raised.
Similarly, playing conch, hargel and flute, cutting and carrying kachur opens the way. Soil and pets can be carried. All prohibited foods can be eaten. Therefore, when Asoj’s tho tos happens, there is freedom within the Kulung caste. All the rites that have been performed can be performed. All food can be eaten. Everything that is closed during the winter is open.
Therefore, it is not only the land worship of the Kulung caste. Tosha also binds and unbinds the Kulung caste within the rituals. Tos, which is held three times a year, is becoming more and more important. It is wished, prayed and believed that no one dies of hunger due to the toss performed in Fagun.
On the other hand, the Tos performed in Jeth is said to show or experience the way to hell, as it closes all rituals. That is why it is made to pray that no one should die during the rainy season in the Kulung tribe.
Is there really another world after death? If so, is it classified as heaven and hell or not? No one knows. No one has experienced it. Heaven and hell are not things we search for, nor are they found in searching. In modern times, if we abandon ego, anger and violence and move towards good deeds and righteous path, heaven is here. But if one forgets one’s human duty and goes towards the wrong path, it is said that hell is also here.
But within the Kulung caste in Nepal, it may not be as fragrant and painful as we imagine. However, it definitely gives some experience. Therefore, it can be an important material for those who want to do research.