Pooja’s question: “Will our film industry open only after it opens?”.

The government has announced that the lockdown will end from 12 noon on Tuesday. However, some areas are still open despite the end of the lockdown. No decision has been taken on the film sector so far.

Even after the opening of most of the areas, various questions have been raised as no decision has been taken on the issue of film sector. Various people in the film industry have also started asking questions on this issue.

Actress Pooja Sharma has questioned that Nepal’s film industry should be opened only after India’s film industry opens. Pooja writes – ‘How serious are we to move the film industry? With the market open, transport open, the government has announced a kind of end to the stalemate, but neither the government nor the leadership of the film sector is now moving towards the smooth running of the film sector. Should India’s film industry be opened in Nepal only after it is opened? ‘

Saying that Nepali film does not have its own existence, Pooja has raised the question that Nepali film cannot run this field. Pooja has also urged all filmmakers to discuss the issue and put pressure on the government.

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