NEB class +2 bio question 2079

NEB has begun to regulate a new course for classes 11 and 12 as of the 2077–78 academic year. Additionally, a new grid and model question have been released (see here). Class 12 in the academic year 2077–2078 is the final group to follow the previous curriculum. The NEB has repeatedly delayed the board test because of the pandemic. Condensed format for the class 12 BS board exam was used in 2076–77; regular format was used in 2077–78.
neb class 12 model question 2079
model questions of class 12 2078
neb class 12 model question 2080
model question class 12
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class 12 social model question 2080 with solution
class 12 nepali model question 2080 with solution
Class 12 2077/78 exams for both science and management were set from 2078 Bhadra 30 to Asoj 8 after being postponed a few times. Board test questions for all disciplines are available as PDF downloads.