why is maghe sankranti celebrated
Maghe Sankranti, A festival is going to be organized on the coming Maghe Sankranti day to highlight the historical heritage of the ancient city of Banepa, which is number one in the East.
The local youth group organized the festival on that day to continue the campaign to introduce the ancient city of Banepa to the world.
On that day, Sarojkaji Shrestha, president of the local youth entrepreneurs’ forum, said that the festival was organized to promote Banepa to the world with the help of local level, organizations and industrialists-traders. According to him, this festival will be a cornerstone to attract internal and external tourists to Banepa.
Maghesankranti in Tharu and Magar settlements
Although the local palaces, squares, temples and surrounding forests have their own importance, it is said that these heritages have been overshadowed due to the lack of publicists. To the east of Banepa city is the Chandeshwari forest called ‘Raktchandan’, to the north is the Thangu forest and to the south is the Khwahgu forest. Located at a distance of 25 kilometers from Kathmandu, the historic city of Banepa is a small picturesque valley at an altitude of 4,800 feet above sea level. Banepa is not only Kavrepalanchok but also known as the gateway to eastern Nepal.
According to the organizers, there will be a demand to promote it as a protected heritage area through the festival. During the festival, cultural bazagaza will be held at the Laiku Darbar, cultural dances will be performed at the Laiku Double and Chowk, and historic photos will be exhibited at the Pokhari Galli Chowk.
Similarly, every chowk, village with Newari food stall along with Banepa book, Ranjana script writing in Bahibah, Bach: Nyenegu or story telling program will be organized in Thanapati temple. Shrestha said that along with the exhibition of local products, a Neva: Sukul Bhoj will be held at Pote Guthi.
According to local historian Gyankaji Manandhar, in Nepali language, “Bane” means business and “Pa” means settlement, so Banepa is a merchant’s settlement and its cultural aspect should be exposed. There is also a legend that Banepa was called Varnipur, Banepur, Banepur, Bynepe, Binyapa, Vinyapuri, Binayakpuri, Vaninampya and became ‘Banepa’.
According to the inscriptions, in the year 1159, the pre-medieval king Anand Dev merged the small settlements around Banepa into Bholakhabasti and built a new Banepa, replacing the eight Ganeshas as dikpals in the eight directions and making doors, ponds and tables near the temples of each Ganesha. Therefore, since the Malla period, Banepa has one-by-one hymns related to these eight Ganeshas.
In Banepa, in order to balance the sun and wind, in places (squares), stone streams and wells have been built to arrange water supply, cultural programs and plays have been built. Banepa was a city with nine stone canals, nine chowks, nine doubles and 99 wells.