It’s a word that makes your relationship sweeter

People compare the relationship to a butterfly in a fist. If you tighten your fist, the butterfly dies, if you open it, it will fly away. The relationship is the same, if you interrogate each other more, the relationship will get cold inside, if you leave them free, you don’t know where they will end up. So as sensitive as life is, so is the relationship.

Relationships are becoming more fragile these days. The development of technology and science is leading people to unnecessary needs and stress. People never pay attention to the cause of a rift in a relationship, but complain that the relationship has broken down.A study has shown that the dialogue between the two is the main reason for the bitterness in the relationship. People’s speech reflects their thinking. Words like these are used in studies to find out what a person’s ability to think isA study by the University of California found that couples who use the word “we” instead of “me” have a much better relationship. These people are said to feel close to their friends.

Thirty studies were conducted for that research. In which 5,000 contestants participated. The study was conducted on participants’ behavior, relationships, happiness as well as physical and mental health status.

The study found that people who use the word “we” in conversations between partners are happier. In fact, those who use the word ‘we’ tend to be devoted to each other and support each other at every moment. They take care of their partner. They are happy to meet each other and always bring justice in the relationship.

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