How do green vegetables improve eyesight?

Eye problems have become normal. Even small children seem to be wearing glasses these days. Problems such as dry eyes, low power and lazy eyes are increasing. We have been hearing since childhood that eating green vegetables improves eyesight.

Green vegetables are considered very good for overall health. Green vegetables are rich in vitamins, iron and fiber. The vitamins present in it help to improve eyesight and keep it healthy. Vitamin A and Vitamin C strengthen the eyes.

Deficiency of vitamin A leads to poor eyesight and increased risk of infection. Therefore, if you eat green vegetables daily, the health of your eyes will be better.

Other Eye Health Foods

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin-K, vitamin A and antioxidants. Therefore, carrot is a good food for eye health.

Broccoli is rich in vitamin A, which improves eyesight and helps keep eyes healthy. By consuming it, the retina also remains healthy. Also, dry fruits, seasonal fruits, fish are also good for eye health.

Patients with high blood pressure and diabetes should pay special attention

Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure should pay more attention to eye health than normal people. Such chronic diseases can affect the eyes. Therefore, diabetic patients should pay attention to their diet. Diabetes should be controlled by eating less carbohydrates and sugary foods. Similarly, patients with high blood pressure should eat less salt to keep their high blood pressure under control.

Foods that damage the eyes

Packaged foods are high in sodium. Eating more of these foods can lead to high blood pressure and eye problems. Also, canned foods, fast food saturated fat foods increase the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure and the risk of eye diseases. So it is important to stay away from such foods. Also, it is advisable to include nutritious food in the diet for eye health.

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