Fundamental rights of today world

Fundamental rights of today world
Article 12 to 35 contained in part III of the constitution deal with fundamental rights. Fundamental rights have been classified under the six categories – right to freedom,right to equality, right against exploitation,right to freedom of religion,cultural and educational rights and right to constitutional remedies. Every civilian has right to chose their religion. Even their parents is Hindu them she or he can chose any religion if they want to.
There is no any law like to follow same religion according to parents. Every one has right to chose anything they like but only the thing that is accepted by law. Every people has right to equality. Every people is equal even they have different jobs,different class,different caste,different color or etc they all are equal and rights of equality. Everyone has right to freedom to chose any career they like.
They can chose anything they like there won’t be any limit bar regarding this but freedom does not mean to bully anyone or do any kind of unacceptable thing like murder,robbery,etc. If any one is caught in doing this then they are punish. Everyone has right to chose their partner for marriage. Everyone has right to chose their career path way by themselves.
No one can be force to chose anything that they don’t like. It is prohibited by fundamental rights. Every child has right for education. So this means every daughter can go to school and colleges for study and not only do households work but also study by their heart. Fundamental rights prohibit on discrimination on grounds of religion,caste,sex or place of birth.
No one is allow to bully person according to their jobs or their caste or their religion. We all are equal. Even though we are different in outer appearance we all have red blood which makes us same. Fundamental rights provide equality in everything regarding caste,job and religion. Fundamental duties uphold and protect the sovereign.
That’s all for now about: Fundamental rights of today world
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