Dhangadi  is beautiful place you should visit it

Dhangadi  is beautiful place you should visit it

Dhangadi  is beautiful place you should visit it

Dhangadi is a sub metropolitan city. It is the headquarter of Kailai district. The distance between Dhangadi and Kathmandu is 473 kilometer. To reach Dhangadi you can flight or go there by bus or hire cab or taxi. The places to visit in Dhangadi are Aircraft Museum, Jokhar Taal and Dhangadi Fun Park.

In dhangadi fun park you can swim and play there. You can enjoy your summer in there. In this park , there use to be lot of crowds. People use to go there with their friends and families and enjoy their day by swimming in pool. Aircraft Museum is the place where lots of visitors use to go.

Aircraft museum is an aviation museum. Lots of visitors use to get attract. It is first aircraft museum of Nepal established by former Nepalese pilot Bed Upreti on 2014. If you are fond of nature and love to see green and clean environment then you should definitely visit Jokhar taal. In here path leads to denser forest through botanical garden.

There are all kinds of flora and fauna towards a small lake. You can’t do swimming in this lake. You can just see and feel this beauty. This place is famous for picnic spot. Many people go their to have picnic. At Saturday there use to be a lot of crowd as it is a public holiday. You will get even closer the beauty of nature if you lead forward and go little deeper. It is a beautiful place to visit and spend some time with your friends and families in your holiday.

You must visit Mohana Bird Watch which is at the western end of the city. Well on the way you can see lots of houses mixed with animal sheds and rice fields in between or in the back. At the end of the path you can see a river with a clean, cooler and refreshing air which will turn on your mood so fast. From the forest you will get more cooling air.

You can see birds in their nest high above the trees. Well it is the perfect place to see senset over the river and let the day fade away. Nothing is beautiful compare to the sun being set over the river. You can take pictured there as you should not miss the chance to capture the view.

That’s all for now about: Dhangadi  is beautiful place you should visit it

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