Bhaktapur durbar square is beautiful place

Bhaktapur durbar square is beautiful place

Bhaktapur durbar square is beautiful place

Bhaktapur durbar square is beautiful place
Bhaktapur durbar square is the historical landmark of Katmandu. Bhaktapur durbar square is the royal palace of the old bhaktapur kingdom. Bhaktapur durbar square is the UNESCO world heritage sites. Bhaktapur durbar square lies in bhaktapur which is about 13 km east from Kathmandu.

Bhaktapur durbar square is beautiful place

Bhaktapur durbar square is both of pagoda and shikara style temples. Bhaktapur durbar square is one of the best durbar square because of its charming architectural showpieces and the ancient arts of Nepal. To reach you can take local vehicles or hire taxi. The major attractions of bhaktapur durbar square are 55 window palace, Nyatapole temple, Golden gate and Bhairava Nath temple.

55 window palace is the most beautiful place to visit there because of its design and beauty. It is the most famous place in bhaktapur. Well the 55 window palace was built during the reign of Malla King Yaksha Malla and again remodeled by King Bhupatindra Malla. The 55 windows is made up of black lacquered sandalwood. It has its own shine and attracts many visitors to its beauty.

You can also visit Nyatapole Temple which is really near from durbar square. Nyatapole temple is a hindu temple with 5 storeyed which is 5 storeyed roof temple. It is of pagoda style. It is an 18th century temple of Nepal. You can also visit Bhairav Nath temple which lies close to Nyatapole temple. Bhairava Nath temple is a famous ancient temple which is built in pagoda style.


If you are looking for camping and hiking near durbar square then there is the chance. The best places for camping and hiking near bhaktapur durbar square would be Mosaic adventure, Ace the himalaya and many more. You should visit bhaktapur durbar square with your friends or your families in your free time and enjoy the view of palace. If you go to bhaktapur then you should try curd as well which taste really good.

That’s all for now about: Bhaktapur durbar square is beautiful place

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