Being a resident and a native-born family 110 kids and teens are under the care of Hikmat Badi.

Hikmat Badi, a Surkhet native who attended a low-income school, finished his secondary education with the money his mother and sisters made.
He established a school, to the best of his financial ability, so that other children from the same area wouldn’t have to fight to meet their basic needs, as their mothers and sisters did by working to support their education. After learning that they could study for free, kids from adjacent districts came as well; 110 youngsters are already utilizing the service. Despite the fact that there were more children than the facility could handle, he was able to control the majority of them. He sold his company to run the organization, racking up a $2.3 million debt, although he has since paid it off not been reimbursed.Hikmat Badi has the strength to raise 110 children, but it is extremely difficult for one individual to nurture a child. He further asserts that because he is unable to give his supervisors the money, they have trapped him. Numerous young vocalists assert that they acquired their talent at home.The full video of him is on the youtube herna katha .

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